All records historical events of the Islamic world based on the Prophet migrated from Mecca to Medina. Secrets of a major event took this as the beginning of Islamic history, because that's the beginning of time God gives victory to His Messenger in the face of those who mcmerangi's treatise on holy ground. Then they perform deeds conspire to kill him. In a move that only Abu Bakr who accompanied the Messenger of Allah alone. In the last illness and when it was not strong anymore mengimami prayers, the Prophet asked Abu Bakr lead the prayers that act in his place. He did not want this place was held by Umar bin Khattab.
The Prophet chose Abu Bakr in the hijra and pray with her chosen Abu Bakr as mengimami hijra and pray to replace him, because Abu Bakr the first Muslim who believes in Allah and the Messenger, and for his faith that he's also the most sacrifices. Since Islam immense desire to assist the Prophet in the preaching of religion for the sake of God and defend the Muslims. He loves the Prophet more than himself, with him always in every event. Besides, in addition to faith, so too have approached the firm moral perfection, his love so great to others, most near and familiar to them.
The Prophet chose Abu Bakr in the hijra and pray with her chosen Abu Bakr as mengimami hijra and pray to replace him, because Abu Bakr the first Muslim who believes in Allah and the Messenger, and for his faith that he's also the most sacrifices. Since Islam immense desire to assist the Prophet in the preaching of religion for the sake of God and defend the Muslims. He loves the Prophet more than himself, with him always in every event. Besides, in addition to faith, so too have approached the firm moral perfection, his love so great to others, most near and familiar to them.
Semua peristiwa sejarah dunia Islam catatannya didasarkan pada hijrah Nabi dari Mekah ke Medinah. Rahasia diambilnya peristiwa besar ini sebagai permulaan sejarah Islam, karena waktu itulah permulaan Allah memberikan kemenangan kepada Rasul-Nya dalam menghadapi mereka yang mcmerangi risalahnya di tanah suci itu. Kemudian mereka melakukan perbuatan-perbuatan makar hendak membunuhnya. Dalam hijrah itu hanya Abu Bakr sendiri saja yang menemani Rasulullah. Dalam sakitnya yang terakhir dan ketika sudah tidak kuat lagi mengimami salat, Rasulullah meminta Abu Bakr bertindak memimpin salat itu menggantikannya. la tidak ingin tempat ini dipegang oleh Umar bin Khattab.
Nabi memilih Abu Bakr dalam hijrah dan salat Dipilihnya Abu Bakr menemaninya ketika hijrah dan mengimami salat menggantikannya, karena Abu Bakr Muslim pertama yang beriman kepada Allah dan kepada Rasulullah, dan demi imannya itu pula dialah yang paling banyak berkorban. Sejak masuk Islam besar sekali hasratnya hendak membantu Nabi dalam berdakwah demi agama Allah dan membela kaum Muslimin. la lebih mencintai Rasulullah daripada dirinya sendiri, mendampinginya selalu dalam setiap peristiwa. Di samping itu, di samping iman yang begitu teguh akhlaknya pun sudah mendekati kesempurnaan, cintanya begitu besar kepada orang lain, paling dekat dan akrab kepada mereka.
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