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The Gas Room - By Stephen Spignesi

Posted by CahNdeso Labels:

Victoria "Tory" Troy is a technician at the animal shelter euthanizing wild in Connecticut. Its main task is to kill the animals who had no owner, every Friday at the shelter gas chamber. On a Friday, instead of killing stray animals and unwanted, he injected her colleagues six people with drugs, and then menggas them to death.
Tory was on trial. He even opened his mouth to the court-appointed psychiatrist, the nurse, and to his mother. The lawyers argue, the jury confusion.

Tory is a woman is smart, intuitive, and funny. It was not possible he would suddenly kill coworkers. All parties do not believe it, but Tory himself admitted it. What really happened to Tory?

Indonesian Translate
Victoria "Tory" Troy adalah seorang teknisi euthanasia di penampungan hewan liar di Connecticut. Tugas utamanya adalah membunuh hewan-hewan yang tak punya pemilik, setiap Jumat di kamar gas tempat penampungan tersebut. Pada suatu Jumat, alih-alih membunuh hewan-hewan tersesat dan tak diinginkan, dia menyuntik enam orang rekan kerjanya dengan obat bius, kemudian menggas mereka sampai mati.
Tory pun diadili. Dia pun buka mulut kepada psikiater yang ditunjuk pengadilan, kepada perawatnya, dan kepada ibunya. Para pengacara berdebat, para juri kebingungan.

Tory adalah perempuan yang cerdas, intuitif, dan lucu. Sungguh tak mungkin dia tiba-tiba tega membunuh rekan kerjanya. Semua pihak tak percaya, tetapi Tory sendiri mengakuinya. Apa yang sebenarnya terjadi pada Tory?

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