Is it possible to move beyond the male–female gender binary system? What happens to gender theory when we consider sex and gender identities as more than just ‘male’ or ‘female’? In what ways are the sexual orientation categories that we take for granted in the West – heterosexual, lesbian, and gay – destabilised by sexual and gender fluidity? And, crucially, what are the implications of gender and sexual fluidity and multiplicity for social policy, citizenship, new social movements, and democracy?
This book explores the territory that is opened up when gender, and sexual orientation, binaries are disrupted or displaced. The gender binary system is continually problematised, by women and men who transgress gender stereotypes, by sissy boys and tomboys, by butch dykes and camp men, and by many others. Sexual orientation binaries are destabilised when people move between or beyond gay and straight identities. Gender and sexual dimorphism are also continually reinscribed, and people who move beyond – or exist outside of – the binary system are systematically socially excluded via the operation of social institutions and discourses that privilege non-trans1 and non-intersex2 people, and heterosexuals, in a wide range of ways.
This book explores the territory that is opened up when gender, and sexual orientation, binaries are disrupted or displaced. The gender binary system is continually problematised, by women and men who transgress gender stereotypes, by sissy boys and tomboys, by butch dykes and camp men, and by many others. Sexual orientation binaries are destabilised when people move between or beyond gay and straight identities. Gender and sexual dimorphism are also continually reinscribed, and people who move beyond – or exist outside of – the binary system are systematically socially excluded via the operation of social institutions and discourses that privilege non-trans1 and non-intersex2 people, and heterosexuals, in a wide range of ways.
Indonesian TranslateApakah mungkin untuk bergerak melampaui jenis kelamin laki-laki-perempuan sistem biner? Apa yang terjadi pada teori gender ketika kita mempertimbangkan seks danidentitas gender sebagai lebih dari sekedar 'laki-laki' atau 'wanita'? Dengan cara apa saja kategori orientasi seksual yang kita terima di Barat - heteroseksual, lesbian, dan gay - destabilisasi oleh seksual dan fluiditas gender? Dan, yang terpenting, apa implikasi dari gender dan fluiditas seksual dan multiplisitas untuk kebijakan sosial, kewarganegaraan, gerakan sosial baru, dan demokrasi?
Buku ini mengeksplorasi wilayah yang terbuka ketika gender, dan orientasi seksual, binari terganggu atau dipindahkan. Sistem biner gender terus problematised, oleh perempuan dan laki-laki yang melanggar stereotip jender, oleh anak laki-laki banci dan tomboys, oleh tanggul butch dan laki-laki kamp, dan banyak lainnya. binari orientasi seksual adalah destabilisasi ketika orang-orang bergerak di antara atau di luar identitas gay dan lurus. Gender dan dimorfisme seksual juga terus reinscribed, dan orang-orang yang bergerak di luar - atau ada di luar - sistem biner secara sistematis sosial termasuk melalui operasi lembaga-lembaga sosial dan wacana bahwa hak istimewa orang-orang non-trans1 dan non-intersex2, dan heteroseksual, di berbagai macam cara.
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